2013 Virginia Beef Expo
Simmental Sale
Rockingham County Fairgrounds, Harrisonburg, VA
Another wonderful Virginia Beef Expo Simmental Sale!
Great cattle, people, and weather always make the Virginia Beef Expo a top priority to attend.
Our cow/calf pair, PVSM Pocahontas/PVSM Little Snow Feather, was the high selling lot at $10,000, and sold to the Whipkey Family, W&E Farm, Holbrook, PA. Our bred heifer PVSM Punkin Cookie was second high selling bred heifer at $2,450.
We would like to thank the Virginia Simmental Association for their lovely southern hospitality, and the sales staff of DP Sales Management; John Spiker, auctioneer; Smith Reasor and Steve Sellers, ring men; and Hunter Chapman, ASA Field Representative, for a terrific sale.
Thank you, Whipkey Family, W&E Farm, Holbrook, PA
for purchasing PVSM Pochahontas/PVSM Little Snow Feather!