VCCP Eastern Elite Sale
Saturday, January 30th, 2016 — 6:00pm
Harrisonburg, VA
PVSM Freestyle
PVSM Stylish Mooves X
PVSM Freedom to Dream
SimSolutions Bull
Born: 3-9-15 — ASA #2995250
This 3/4 Simmental, 1/4 Angus bull has a royal pedigree — sired by our bull PVSM Stylish Mooves, and out of our young donor PVSM Freedom to Dream. Stylish Mooves was unbeaten in the showring, Grand Champion at major shows such as the PA Farm Show and KILE. Some of you may remember seeing him on display here at the Eastern Elite Sale in 2014. Freedom was shown successfully as a heifer, and as a cow/calf pair with Freestyle at her side, they were champion or reserve every time shown, including KILE. Freestyle is heterozygous black, homozygous polled, very sound, and has super hair. Check out his calving-ease EPDs and API of 127. PVSM Freestyle will work in many different operations. He has the solid pedigree and consistency to work in a purebred or commercial herd, and the style and hair to work on clubbies.

If you have any questions about this consignment, please contact us!!!
Laurie Meyers
Phone: 717-350-2516